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Dental Mercury Occupational Lawsuit
Evidence of Harm + Bonus Material
2m 15s
In the lawsuit Barnes V Kerr, a dentist who was experiencing mercury toxicity sued Kerr, the manufacturer of amalgam for his health problems. The manufacturer argued they warned the dentist about hazards of mercury in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and that those warnings also pertained to the final mixed dental amalgam as well.
Up Next in Evidence of Harm + Bonus Material
Flaws in the Saxe Alzheimer's study s...
Boyd Haley Phd outlines the flaws in the Saxe Alzheimer's study showing no link to mercury.
Mercury & Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Anne Summers PhD discusses how the mercury released from silver dental fillings provokes antibiotic-resistant bacteria in both oral and intestinal floras.
Boyd Haley PhD discusses the history ...
Boyd Haley PhD discusses the history of Alzheimer's Disease