Evidence of Harm + Bonus Material
"Evidence of Harm + Bonus Material" includes the feature length documentary, plus over a two hours of bonus material about the multitude of adverse health symptoms brought on by mercury poisoning.
Evidence of Harm chronicles the lives of three ordinary Americans who become reluctant health advocates after suffering from the devastating effects of hazardous mercury vapors released during routine dental procedures.
The film presents a haunting portrait of a dental industry all too willing to turn a blind eye to science while placing profits and politics ahead of the 120 million Americans currently implanted with toxic mercury dental fillings.
Dental Mercury & The Environment
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), presented this animation while at the International Negotiating Committee (INC5) meeting being held in Geneva by the United Nations Environmental Programme.
The Minamata Convention on Mercury is a global treaty to protect huma...
Mercury & Alzheimer's Disease
Boyd Haley, PhD. discusses the findings of his published studies (and others), which showed that mercury and only mercury can cause the major biochemical hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and how the NIH stopped his funding after he published those findings.
Mercury Exposure & Amalgam Removal
Mark Richardson PhD discusses the extremely high levels of mercury contaminated particulate matter generated during the removal of mercury dental fillings.
I will be uploading a correction to this video. Mark Richardson PhD is listed as from Health Canada, where he worked for a number of years...
Mercury levels in Americans rose from 2% in 1999 to 30% in 2006
Assessment of chronic mercury exposure within the U.S. population, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2006
Dan Laks, Biometals, 2009Dan Laks, lead author of the study "Assessment of chronic mercury exposure within the U.S. population, National Health and Nutrition Examina...
Mercury & Infertility
David Kennedy discusses A study by professor Ingrid Gerhard that was performed at the university gynecological clinic in Heidelberg where she examined more than 1000 patients for mercury, fertility problems and symptoms. Mercury was measured after giving a chelating agent known as DMPS. This subs...
Mercury Fillings Harm Children
David Geier Discusses the results of Children's Amalgam Trials
Dental Mercury Occupational Lawsuit
In the lawsuit Barnes V Kerr, a dentist who was experiencing mercury toxicity sued Kerr, the manufacturer of amalgam for his health problems. The manufacturer argued they warned the dentist about hazards of mercury in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and that those warnings also pertained to...
Flaws in the Saxe Alzheimer's study showing no link to mercury
Boyd Haley Phd outlines the flaws in the Saxe Alzheimer's study showing no link to mercury.
Mercury & Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Anne Summers PhD discusses how the mercury released from silver dental fillings provokes antibiotic-resistant bacteria in both oral and intestinal floras.
Boyd Haley PhD discusses the history of Alzheimer's Disease
Boyd Haley PhD discusses the history of Alzheimer's Disease
Mercury, APOE & Alzheimer's Disease
Boyd Haley PhD discusses the variants of APOE and their relationship to Alzheimer's disease.
Mercury Risk assessment results, everyone over safe dose
Mercury exposure and risks from dental amalgam in the US population, post-2000
Science of the Total Environment
Mark Richardson, PhD 2011On December 14 and 15, 2010, the FDA convened a scientific panel to re-examine the issue of mercury exposure from amalgam dental fillings. Mark Richardson...
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Environmental health scientist, Sue Casteel from The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry discusses various aspects of mercury toxicity.
IAOMT: FDA Scandal Update 2015
IAOMT: FDA Scandal Update 2015
IAOMT presents the MERCURY MEASUREMENT CHALLENGE to any dentist who is skeptical that mercury is released from mercury amalgam fillings at levels higher than safety.
Mercury Dental Fillings - IAOMT
Mercury Dental Fillings - IAOMT
Evidence of Harm Theatrical Trailer #01
A documentary exposing the devastating effects of dental mercury on patients, dental staff and the global environment.Evidence of Harm follows the lives of three health advocates as they struggle to inform the federal government and public that large amounts of hazardous me...
Evidence of Harm Theatrical Trailer #02
A documentary exposing the devastating effects of dental mercury on patients, dental staff and the global environment.Evidence of Harm follows the lives of three health advocates as they struggle to inform the federal government and public that large amounts of hazardous me...
Evidence of Harm 14min
A 14 minute version of Evidence of Harm, focusing on the occupational exposure to mercury during amalgam dental filling removal.
Evidence of Harm
"Evidence of Harm" chronicles the lives of three ordinary Americans who become reluctant health advocates after suffering from the devastating effects of hazardous mercury vapors generated during routine dental procedures. The film presents a haunting portrait of a dental industry all too willin...
Quicksilver Scientific Mercury Testing & Detoxification
Quicksilver Scientific Mercury Testing & Detoxification
Deleted Scene: Karen & Stacy, How Mercury Effects Family
Deleted Scene: How Mercury Effects the Families of Karen and Stacy.
Deleted Scene: Stacy & Karen Mercury Effects Family
Deleted Scene: Stacy & Karen Mercury Effects Family
Deleted Scene: Karen & mercury poisoning
Deleted Scene: Injured dental assistant Karen Burns discusses her adverse health symptoms from being mercury poisoned on her job.
Deleted Scene: Karen & Workers Comp
Injured dental assistant Karen Burns, discusses aspects of her workers comp case that she brought against her employer for exposing her to high levels of mercury while working with amalgam dental fillings.
Deleted Scene: Karen Reminisces
Deleted Scene: Injured dental assistant Karen Burns discusses her family and what she loved about working as a dental assistant.
Extended Scene: Karen Reunion
Karen visits her family at the reunion
Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth by Tom McGuire, DDS.
Dr. Tom McGuire’s YouTube Video Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth provides conclusive quantitative proof that not only do amalgam fillings release toxic mercury vapor - but that the common act of brushing just one amalgam filling - will release more mercury than allowed by governmental regulatory...
Australians for Mercury Free Dentistry
Dr. Lisa Matriste explains the hazards of mercury in dentistry and discusses Australians for Mercury Free Dentistry
Dr. Lisa Matriste discusses the Minamata Convention on Mercury
The Minamata Convention on Mercury is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. It was agreed at the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva, Switzerland at 7 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, 19 January 2013.
No Safe Level of Mercury
David Geier: No Safe Level Mercury
Correlation Vs Causation
David Geier: Correlation Vs Causation
Comparing exposure & risk of mercury in tuna fish vs mercury dental fillings
Mark Richardson PhD compares exposure & risk to mercury in tuna fish vs mercury dental fillings.
Inorganic mercury (as from dental mercury fillings) has an EPA safety level that is 10 times lower than that of methyl-mercury as from fish, this implies that our government agencies view inorgani...
Mercury associated diseases & Luteinizing hormone
Dan Laks PhD discusses his study "Luteinizing hormone provides a causal mechanism for mercury associated disease" published in Medical Hypotheses 2010.
Previous studies have demonstrated that the pituitary is a main target for inorganic mercury (I-Hg) deposition and accumulation within the bra...
Dr. Tom Duplinsky Occupational Dental Mercury Exposure
The Health Status of Dentists Exposed to Mercury from Silver Amalgam Tooth Restorations
International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 2012
Abstract: The authors employed pharmacy utilization data to evaluate the health status of a representative sample of 600 dentists, matched to...
Oxidative Stress & Retention Toxicity
Boyd Haley PhD discusses Oxidative Stress & Retention Toxicity
American Dental Association position on mercury dental fillings
The American Dental Association position on mercury dental fillings. Video includes The ADA dental Minute and congressional testimony from ADA spokesperson, Rodney Mackert.
Cumulative Risk Assessment & Joint Toxicity: Mercury Vapor, Methyl Mercury & Lead
Cumulative Risk Assessment & Joint Toxicity: Mercury Vapor, Methyl Mercury & Lead.
Mark Richardson PhD. 2010Concurrent exposure to Pb, MeHg and Hg0 does occur in the US population. A large proportion
- 1/3rd - of the US population is concurrently exposed to Hg0, methyl Hg and Pb on a daily ... -
EVIDENCE OF HARM - Directors cut
EVIDENCE OF HARM - Directors cut (v104) Stereo. We no longer offer a 5.1 surround option for streaming.
"Evidence of Harm" chronicles the lives of three ordinary Americans who become reluctant health advocates after suffering from the devastating effects of hazardous mercury vapors generated...
IAOMT Amalgam Position Statement
757 KB
Action Levels for Elemental Mercury Spills
371 KB
DENTSPLY Patient_Advisor_Restorations 1-8-13.pdf
370 KB
IAOMT-mercury contaminated waste.pdf
1.83 MB
Which delivers more mercury - amalgam or tuna.FINAL.pdf
95 KB
Dental Mercury Book Resource List.pdf
2.31 MB
51.3 KB