Mercury & Alzheimer's Disease
Evidence of Harm + Bonus Material
6m 43s
Boyd Haley, PhD. discusses the findings of his published studies (and others), which showed that mercury and only mercury can cause the major biochemical hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and how the NIH stopped his funding after he published those findings.
Up Next in Evidence of Harm + Bonus Material
Mercury Exposure & Amalgam Removal
Mark Richardson PhD discusses the extremely high levels of mercury contaminated particulate matter generated during the removal of mercury dental fillings.
I will be uploading a correction to this video. Mark Richardson PhD is listed as from Health Canada, where he worked for a number of years...
Mercury levels in Americans rose from...
Assessment of chronic mercury exposure within the U.S. population, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2006
Dan Laks, Biometals, 2009Dan Laks, lead author of the study "Assessment of chronic mercury exposure within the U.S. population, National Health and Nutrition Examina...
Mercury & Infertility
David Kennedy discusses A study by professor Ingrid Gerhard that was performed at the university gynecological clinic in Heidelberg where she examined more than 1000 patients for mercury, fertility problems and symptoms. Mercury was measured after giving a chelating agent known as DMPS. This subs...